Midweek news

Dear everyone

Next Sunday (18th April)
It wasn’t easy to forget that first Sunday evening after the dawn at the empty tomb…. Last Sunday we had John’s take on it, and now in our 9.30 service we look at Luke’s account. We are very pleased to welcome the Shere online congregation to share in our worship as Tim Heaney is away. The link to the Livestream is below.

There will be an 8.00 a.m. Service of Communion in person in the parish church, subject to all our required distancing and precautions

We hope to have a short PCC meeting after the service to approve the annual accounts for the APCM – to be confirmed in the weekend notice sheet.


The Duke of Edinburgh

The Parish Church will remain open during the daytime this week for those who would like to come, remember Prince Philip, and find details of online Books of Condolence.

Quick poll on church services

We’ve previously taken soundings about how much you want to return to meeting in church (which is still very different, with no singing, social distancing, and face coverings). This was very helpful. Below is a link to a simple survey which will help tell us what people think now. We need to take a range of things into account, and the final decision will be taken by the PCC.

Talk on modern day slavery

Slavery – in the UK?

This sounds far from Surrey, but it’s not. The Surrey Villages Anti-Slavery Group invite you to a Zoom talk by Suzette Jones, co-chair of the Surrey Anti-Slavery Partnership, on the fight against problems such as domestic servitude, forced labour, county lines, and more. It’s on Monday 17th May at 7.30 p.m. Tickets are £5 with profit going to support the anti-slavery charity Hope for Justice. Click the heading above, or the picture on the left, to buy tickets.

The Annual Meetings are on 25 April

The Annual Meetings will be by Zoom on the morning of Sunday 25 April, at about 10.30 a.m. after the morning service. You can use the same Zoom link as for the service. We’ll deal with the formal business, look back at the year, and look ahead. Everyone is very welcome, but you need to be on the electoral roll to vote. if you know anyone who might like to help the church by serving on the PCC (parochial church council), please tell Andrew. The PCC will meet briefly after the APCM for formal business.

All blessings

Resident Minister

Albury Vicarage

The Forge, The Street, Albury, Guildford
07887 360 061